Phase 3 (Part 2) Pre-structuring Model version 1.0 released!

The Phase 3 (Part 2) Pre-structuring Model Version 1.0 has been released by the 5G Infrastructure Association (5G-IA) on February 8th, 2019.

Targeting a successful and coherent PPP Phase 3.II research and innovation programme and building on PPP Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3.I experience, the 5G Infrastructure Association members have developed the Phase 3.II PreStructuring Model (PSM). The goal is to ensure that the forthcoming set of projects (portfolio) will cleverly work together in Phase 3 and between Phase 2 and Phase 3. The Model is focused on Phase 3.II projects portfolio and related projects, not on proposals, and is building on the EC draft Work Programme 2018-2020 ( and on the current draft EC Work Programme 2020. The Model is presenting features and recommendations to guarantee smooth integration of new projects in existing coordinated programme. It is targeting system recommendations to develop future efficient cross-projects cooperation, ensuring a comprehensive coverage of R&I topics, with no gaps or redundancies.

The PSM Phase 3.II is focusing on the following EC Strategic Objectives:

  • ICT-20-2019: 5G LTE (RIA) – DL on 28.03.19.
  • ICT-XX-2020 – Smart Connectivity beyond 5G (RIA) – DL in April 2020.
  • ICT-YY-2020 – 5G Innovations for Verticals with Third Party Services (IA) – DL in April 2020.
  • ICT-TT-2020 – 5G Core Technology Innovations (IA) – DL in January 2020.
  • ICT-ZZ-2020 – 5G for Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) (IA) – DL in November 2019.

Download the model here:  Phase 3 (Part 2) Pre-structuring Model Version 1.0

Next Steps:

  • The PSM Phase 3.II Version 1.0 released on 08.02.19 is focusing  on ICT-20-2019 and ICT-XX-2020 Targeted Actions (TAs) and providing recommendations for ICT-XX-2020 TAs, including Flagship TA. The Version 1.1 targeted on 28.02.19, will include up-dates on ICT-20-2019 and ICT-XX-2020 recommendations and recommendations on ICT-ZZ-2020 (Corridors).
  • The PSM Phase 3.II Version 2.0 is targeted in June 2019, following the release of the (official) final version of the EC Work Programme 2020. This version will cover the overall set of Strategic Objectives.
  • The PSM Phase 3.II Version 3.0 is targeted in November 2019, following the contractualization of the ICT-20-2019 projects. This version will include the key topics addressed by the funded ICT-20-2019 projects, targeting an overall Portfolio-Structuring Model and providing important context for the rest of the PSM Phase 3.II TAs
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